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The Adventure Begins…

Kick off your shoes and get in touch with Your Planet!

Barefoot Planet is a repository of great information about the benefits and pleasures of leading a predominantly barefoot lifestyle. In addition, we are always looking for ways to improve our overall health, as well as ways to improve our relationship with Planet Earth by trying to understand our beautiful home and the many things it has to offer.

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Great Reads

A collection of articles that showcase our philosophy and lifestyle

There’s a Lot of Assuming Going On!

There’s a Lot of Assuming Going On!

After nearly 20 years of leading a predominantly barefoot lifestyle, I keep being amazed by the amount of common assumptions "shoddies" (people who don't like going barefoot and prefer to be in shoes most of the time) make about us barefooters. What I find most...

How I Became a Barefooter

How I Became a Barefooter

I am often asked how I got into barefooting. It's one of those things that come up either in casual conversation with friends or in most of the interviews I've had on the subject over the years. The truth is that I don't remember clearly how, why or when I started...

Why Bare Feet?

Why Bare Feet?

Because it feels great! Remember when you were a child and used to spend entire summers barefooted and, by the end of the second or third week you'd be able to run barefoot on any surface - even...