
Barefoot Planet Store Grand Opening

Hey Everbody! Just a note to let you know that my "Barefoot Planet" Online Store is officially open! Please check it out and browse through the great selection of Barefoot-friendly designs I have created for all of us barefooters who want to show our pride and joy of...

Barefooting in Public

Barefooting in Public

One of the things most people wander about barefooting is whether doing it in public is OK or not. Well te answer is simple: Yes it is OK to go barefoot in public! There is nothing wrong with a healthy pair of bare feet. The same way there is nothing wrong with a pair...

What’s wrong with you!?

Hi all, Something very nice and funny happened to me this afternoon. I was running late for an appointment with a client at an office nearby my apartment building. Since the client is relatively new, I decided to wear a pair of sandals to avoid any inconveniences and...