
Barefoot Guy in Downtown Toronto

Barefoot Guy -- Downtown Toronto -03 Originally uploaded by Barefoot Moe. I bumped into this guy at the corner of Queen St. W. and Spadina Road today, on my way back to my office from running an errand at the bank. I stopped him and asked if I could take some photos....


barefoot, Originally uploaded by ratterrell. I found this photo on, posted by a guy who seems to be a member of a religious group that goes on missions helping the less fortunate in developing countries. This photo is from a “dump” in Nicaragua where many,...

Adventure at a fitness club.

I had an interesting adventure yesterday afternoon I’d like to share with you. It’s a bit long, but I like to share some of the details as well… I took the chance that I had to run an errand to the bank in the middle of the afternoon to make it into a nice walk, since...

Barefooting in Public

Barefooting in Public

One of the things most people wander about barefooting is whether doing it in public is OK or not. Well te answer is simple: Yes it is OK to go barefoot in public! There is nothing wrong with a healthy pair of bare feet. The same way there is nothing wrong with a pair...

Lovely Afternoon Walk

Today, after a long time without the chance to do so, I finally could get out of the apartment for an afternoon walk. I took the opportunity to run a couple of errands I needed to take care of to make my walk even more productive. I left home at about 2:30 pm, to walk...

Taylor Creek Park

This is one of my favourite spots in Toronto for barefooting. I go along these biking/walking paths almost every day during the warm months and really enjoy the scenery and the amazing surfaces along the creek. It really amazes me that a metropolis like Toronto can...

First barefoot walk of 2006

It's been a relatively mild winter this year up here in Toronto. With temperatures soaring up to 7 and 8°C at some points over the last couple of weeks, certainly unheard of in your average Canadian January. Unfortunately, I have been extremely busy with work and...

About Barefooting

About Barefooting

People's reactions are so funny whey they see me barefoot on the streets. I find it especially amusing when I get introduced to someone and they don't realize I am barefooted until after a few minutes into the conversation. Today for instance, Gary and I were walking...