Health & Well-being

Tips, recipes and information to help us stay healthy and happy.

The Backup Footwear Option

I've had a few interesting conversations about "emergency" footwear over the last week or so with some fellow barefooters. It seems to me there are a couple of predominant trends among dedicated of "full-time" barefooters when it comes to carrying a pair of backup...

Barefooting Has Many Health Benefits

Barefooting Has Many Health Benefits

Bare feet are healthy feet! Human feet, just like human hands, are not designed to be encased for hours on end in a pair of shoes that allow very little airing and movement. Just imagine what would happen to your hands if you kept them confined in a pair of...

Why Bare Feet?

Why Bare Feet?

Because it feels great! Remember when you were a child and used to spend entire summers barefooted and, by the end of the second or third week you'd be able to run barefoot on any surface - even gravel? Imagine still being able to do that now, without a worry, without...