
Body Glove 3t Barefoot Shoes

Body Glove 3t Barefoot Shoes

If you're looking for a great pair of minimalist/water shoes, you might like the Body Glove 3T Barefoot Series Check out the video for a more detailed description...  Near-barefoot yet protected for outdoor and water activities. Adjustable lacing/velcro grip Stretch...

Tips for Barefooting Beginners

Tips for Barefooting Beginners

Here are some pointers for anyone who wants to start going barefoot: Don't overdo it. Start by taking short walks around the neighbourhood and increase the distance and time according to your own comfort level. Before long, you will be able to spend entire days and...

There’s a Lot of Assuming Going On!

There’s a Lot of Assuming Going On!

After nearly 20 years of leading a predominantly barefoot lifestyle, I keep being amazed by the amount of common assumptions "shoddies" (people who don't like going barefoot and prefer to be in shoes most of the time) make about us barefooters. What I find most...

How I Became a Barefooter

How I Became a Barefooter

I am often asked how I got into barefooting. It's one of those things that come up either in casual conversation with friends or in most of the interviews I've had on the subject over the years. The truth is that I don't remember clearly how, why or when I started...

Barefooting Has Many Health Benefits

Barefooting Has Many Health Benefits

Bare feet are healthy feet! Human feet, just like human hands, are not designed to be encased for hours on end in a pair of shoes that allow very little airing and movement. Just imagine what would happen to your hands if you kept them confined in a pair of...

Barefooting in Public

Barefooting in Public

One of the things most people wander about barefooting is whether doing it in public is OK or not. Well te answer is simple: Yes it is OK to go barefoot in public! There is nothing wrong with a healthy pair of bare feet. The same way there is nothing wrong with a pair...

Why Bare Feet?

Why Bare Feet?

Because it feels great! Remember when you were a child and used to spend entire summers barefooted and, by the end of the second or third week you'd be able to run barefoot on any surface - even gravel? Imagine still being able to do that now, without a worry, without...