Barefooting in the snow, ever so briefly…

Barefoot Life

Well, finally we got some snow here in Toronto. After a very long and mild fall, we got our worth of cold weather and fair deal of the white stuff barefooters like me dread every year!

At any rate, I ventured tonight out into the cold backyard to experience a bit of the fresh snow. I must say, I wish I had more tolerance to frigid temperatures since I do like the sensation of fresh snow under my feet. After only 1 minute, however, my feet start feeling very uncomfortable and my toes get a burning sensation…

At -11°C, I felt good wearing only my boxer pants (yes, I did ‘dare’ outside the house in my jammies!), a t-shirt and a winter jacket. I guess I could have stayed longer out there but I gave up partly because my toes were screaming “help! Heeeelp!!” and partly because I was itching to come back into the house to write this note. Plus it’s like past 2 am and I reeeeally need to go to bed!

The forecast promises higher temperatures starting tomorrow, so I hope I can get some more barefooting done over the next few days… Wish me luck!!

Barefoot Moe
Toronto Canada

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